Usually, around this time of year, I look around and realize that although I've discovered a number of interesting new recordings that were new-to-me, I'm actually not that up to date on music that is actually new to the world. I therefore enlist the services of the all-powerful Google to find me the "Top Albums of 2009." Conveniently for me (as it saves me the time of slogging through countless fan-boys' "Top Albums of 2009" lists, which invariably have drivel like Echo & the Bunnymen's new album or whatever) Metacritic offers a page of the top rated albums by year.
Browsing this list and downloading randomly from it leads to interesting results. While it did find interesting music like this:

and this:

It also found me this:

So, in other words, I'd say it's a mixed bag (although, truth be told, after a couple of listens, the "drone metal" is growing on me in a hark-back-to-my-high-school-days-when-I-first-heard-Rammstein kind of way).
For that reason, I'd be down for some "Best of 2009" listage here, if anybody has anything to contribute.
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